On Lightning Bolt:
Pipeline in the 70s, Rory Russel and Gerry Lopez charging huge surf in Hawaii, classic timeless surf apparel. When I was a kid I would draw the Lightning Bolt on my notebook in class thinking about surfing. Gerry lopez was one of my favorite surfers growing up - I would ask my mom to buy me Lightning Bolt polo shirts and OP cords. That was my style in elementry school ha ha.
On soul surfing:
If I ever feel burnt-out or grumpy, I know that I can go catch a few waves to feel energized again. It's a natural high and my passion and I am so lucky to have met most of my friends through surfing.
On most influential person of surf:
When I was a kid it was Gerry Lopez and Buttons and I still do but now I think the most influential surfer today is Kelly Slater because of his competitiveness and drive to win so many world championships. His style, speed, power, wave knowledge and innovation has not slowed down and at 38 he is still at the top of his game.
On Jonathan Paskowitz, Lightning Bolt, USA president:
In the late 1990s when Jonathan was at Black Flys and I was working for either Billabong or Hurley I was in charge of the Snowboard Design department and we were on an industry trip for Transworld Snowboarding at Banff Canada. We had all finished a big sushi dinner and Jack Martinez and all of us went out on the town - all I had on was a sweat shirt and it was 20 below outside. I remember complaining about how cold it was and Jonathan grabs a big snow ball and stuffs it inside my shirt. I was so cold but we had so much fun that night I will never forget it. He is like a stand-up comic always laughing and cracking jokes. So fun to be around even in 20 below.